Electronics Product Engineering

Softwares to learn as an Engineer

08 Softwares to learn as an Engineer MATLAB MATLAB is a proprietary multi-paradigm programming language and computing environment. It allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation and creation of user interfaces. 2-Solid Works SolidWorks is a computer-aided design and engineering programme for solid modelling.It utilizes a parametric feature-based approach to create models and

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5 Technical Skills to excel as an Electronics Engineer

5 Technical Skills to excel as an Electronics Engineer The most important skills for electronics engineers are those related to quality control, assurance, troubleshooting and test engineering. A balance of technical and leadership skills can be valuable to electronics engineers such as proficiency in C, C++ and project management. Government agencies, military organizations, security contractors,

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4 Products that you can build and create a business

Home Automation System You can create a cost-effective home automation system using Arduino Uno microcontroller and a Bluetooth/Wi-Fi interface. These devices can be interfaced with bluetooth/Wi-Fi software and be connected to the home devices. With tons of interfaces compatible with Arduino, devices like lamps, A/C, and refrigerators can be controlled with ease. Sensor Light The

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